Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Qualitative research: Responses to Advertising Campaigns

Responses to Advertising Campaigns: -

Responses to advertising is away in which the public who watches these adverts have a way of voicing their opinion about adverts that they have watched and might be displeased with, not many adverts gain much notice when it comes to feed back and most that do receive feed back are those who haven't done something right, because of this there are some adverts which displease the public so much that they are banned in certain places or countries. when watching some adverts that have been banned it is easy to see why but with some the reasons are uncanny and irrelevant but despite this the companies that made the adverts have to please their audience and remove the ads.

One advertising campaign that has recently come 'under fire' from the public is Sainsbury's supermarket Christmas advert which depicts the 1914 Christmas Truce between England and Germany. The subject of the Great War and WWII has always been a sensitive subject bringing back memories of those fought and gave their lives, people from all over are being 'outraged' about the advert calling it a desperate plea for more costumers, this adverts has brought about a debate about whether it is appropriate to for corporations to use sensitive national history for commercial use.

Original news article

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