Saturday, 27 September 2014

Protecting Your Rights and Earnings

Protecting Your Rights and Earnings: -

1. Why do you think music artists and other people working in the media are concerned about the digital reproduction of their work?

I believe that music artists and other people working in the media might be concerned about the digital reproduction of their work because as musicians you rely on their music being bought by people as part of their lively hood, but it also includes others that work in the media such as film makers that rely on their films being watched in theaters or bought on DVD, so if people are not buying their music or films and are getting it for free on the internet the musicians and film producers are losing out on money which they deserve as they were the one who created the music or films.

2. Why is a website such as this (Fair Play For Creators) a help to organisations like the PRS?

A website such as Fair Play For Creators are such a big help to organisations like the PRS because the websites are intended to allow creators to publicly demonstrate their concern over the way their work is treated by online businesses. A website such as YouTube gain money from people publicly putting videos on the internet for anyone to view which could include music or films which then take that money away from the creators but websites such as Fair Play For Creators fight against the principles of websites such as YouTube to help organisations like the PRS.

3. What might happen if sites like YouTube are forced to pay too much money to show digital media content on their website?

If sites like YouTube are forced to pay too much money to show digital media content on their website they as a business will lose money because they could be pay more money than they gain resulting in lose of profit and if profit keeps going down eventually could be forced to close, and as a public website in which millions of people use it could result in a lot of bad press for those who forced them to pay an abundance of money.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Type and Methods of Research

Types and Methods Research: -

Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Qualitative research is a type of research that is not based on numerical results and can a variety of different answers to a question depending on the person that had answers the question, qualitative research can gather answers that are longer and don't have a specific set of answers. Qualitative research is primarily used to gather in-depth information on human behavior and the reasons behind that behavior.

Quantitative research is a type of research that can gather numerical results from a specific set of narrow questions, theses questions will have specific set of answers for a person to select from, this then allows the data gathered from the questions to be easily put into a mathematical model, theories and/or hypothesis. The answers to the questions will short couple of word answers that don't give much variety for a person answering.
Qualitative Vs Quantitative Research

Both qualitative and quantitative have pros and cons, and can be put into a variety of different ways to research what you need but both are vary different from one another so you need to know whats different between them.

Purpose of qualitative research: -

Gain an understanding of underlying reasons and motivations in people.

Provide insights into the setting of a problem, generating ideas for later quantitative research.

Uncover prevalent trends in thought and opinion in people.

Purpose of quantitative research: -

Quantify data and generalize results from a sample to the population of interest.

Measure the incidence of various views and opinions in a chosen sample.

Sometimes followed by qualitative research which is used to explore some findings further.

Methods of Research: Primary and Secondary: -

Primary research is a method of research in which a person carries out they own research to gather new information for their specific area or subject. Primary reasearch can be carried out in a variety of ways such as interviews, surveys or questionnaires both physical or online.

Secondary research is method of research in which a person finds information that has already been gathered by others on their specific area or subject. Secondary research can be done in number of ways such as books, the internet, magazines, journals or newspapers.
Primary and Secondary Research in Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Primary and secondary are two major methods of research and can be applied to qualitative and quantitative research,

Primary Qualitative: - An original questionnaire composed of questions you have created yourself to create graphs of the answers.

E.g. what year were you born in?

Secondary Qualitative: - A questionnaire you have found from other sources such as the internet to create graphs of the answers.

E.g. how many languages do you speak?

Primary Quantitative: - An original questionnaire composed of questions you have created yourself to find out the opinions of people on one or more subjects.

E.g. why did you learn other languages?

Secondary Quantitative: - A questionnaire you have found from other sources such as the internet to find out the opinions of people on one or more subjects.

E.g. why did you by this product?